Online Financial Aid System
Welcome to "My Financial Aid" your Springfield College student Financial Aid Portal.
Log In Instructions
To access the online system, enter your Springfield College student ID number and the password you created when you activated your "My Financial Aid" account. First time users will need to activate their account by entering your Springfield College student ID number and clicking on the "First Time User" link. You will need to enter the student's date of birth on record at Springfield College and the Web-ID Code emailed to your Springfield College email account. After you have entered those two items you can select three security questions in case you forget your password. Finally you create and confirm a password you will remember.
Note: To protect your personal information logout AND close the entire browser after each session, not just the tab.
Notice to students and parents:
The Financial Aid Office at Springfield College will NEVER ask for personal and confidential information, including Social Security Number, credit card or bank account numbers via email or text. Please do not respond to any email or text request for this information you may receive, as it is a phishing scam.
Further, do not send us sensitive information via email unless the SSN and/or bank account numbers have been redacted on all pages.
If you are in doubt of the validity of any email or text you receive which purports to be from Springfield College feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office at 413-748-3108.